Saturday, 25 April 2009


In a throwback to the 1980s, when as a child I spent much time playing Superior Software's Space Pilot, I have recently been hooked on what can easily be classified as the modern tribute.

WINGNUTS is the answer to one aviator's dream: "All I ever wanted to do was fly... bomb stuff, shoot people down."

Indeed, how better to do this than to strap oneself into a modern fighter jet with unlimited ammunition and vent ones frustration on hordes of slow moving biplanes.

It is surprisingly addictive though, and this from someone who hasn't been hooked on a computer game in about 5 years.

Perhaps I will move on to the newer game, WINGNUTS2, at some point but for now as the original game is available for free download from their website (for Macs only of course) I'm working my way through that, and there are rather a lot of levels.

I've also been humming the WINGNUTS theme tune incessantly for the last few days.

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