This morning presented me with a nice eye opener as to how just a little bit of snow can make driving even modern cars very difficult. The road just beyond my cul-de-sac is never gritted despite being very busy and so it frequently develops a nice layer of well compacted ice. As I was crawling toward the junction onto this road, well aware from previous experience of how bad the ice can be, I applied the brakes to stop and give way. What happened was quite startling; the ABS went crazy and the car just didn't slow down at all. Like the titanic steaming headlong toward the iceberg I just continued straight out onto the road with a slow yet painful inevitability.
Fortunately, very fortunately, there was nothing coming.
Anyway, this morning's snow reminded me of a postcard I once saw when I was on holiday in the USA, which I thought I'd share with you now. It illustrates to me that the key to coping with snow is being well prepared, or rather more prepared than I was.

Flying's clearly the way forward when there's ice on all the roads.
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