Wednesday, 19 November 2008

What is a Herveum anyway?

Greetings and welcome to this, my personal blog.

Whilst I expect to be directing most of my current efforts toward my BlackMeridian hypnosis blog, I have also registered this blog because I occasionally have other thoughts that I would like to jot down.

A number of people have asked me why I have adopted Herveum as my gmail address. The short answer is that "HERVEUM" was 7 letters that I or a friend (I forget who exactly) had on a scrabble rack once. I think it's great because it's short, phonetic, and nobody else has it. I can take ownership of this fictional word and make it my own.

My dad has warned that, because the only hits "Herveum" seems to bring up on google seem to be old records kept by the catholic church, using it as my email address may end up in my getting caught up in some kind of Dan Brown narative. Somehow I think I'm willing to take the risk.

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