This is the Dahon Vitesse D7HG, and I want one!
Why? Well at the moment I live a 25 minute walk from Didcot Parkway station and yet I often find myself catching the train to go and visit friends or nip to the pub in Oxford. I certainly don't fancy leaving any bike I own locked at the station, and in any case I often need my bike at the other end. Taking a full size bike on the train, whilst possible, is also a bit of a pain.
This bike folds down to a size where it will fit happily on a luggage rack so I could take it anywhere, and then it could take me anywhere. Cycle, fold, train, unfold, cycle, hurrah! I wouldn't have to leave it locked up outside either.
I like this particular design because it has a 7-speed hub gearbox, instead of a deraileur, and a plastic chainguard too, so it's less likely to get oil everywhere. Plus... well, I think the design is very neat, from an engineering point of view.
Hmmm. No prizes for guessing where I'm tempted to spend my Christmas money this year!