Last night was my first time at a Novel Building evening class run by Megan Kerr in Oxford. This class was based around the differences between the premise for a novel and a plot. As an exercise for this a group of us took a premise and expanded on it. It was actually fascinating to see the structure of a plot starting to germinate in front of us.
Anyway, our homework assignment was to write the back cover blurb for the novel our concept would grow into, so here is my effort:
"Honoured and highly decorated Walden Hart has served for many years as a captain in the city watch, keeping the streets safe at night and administering the king's justice. Now he has fallen from grace, found guilty of a terrible crime for which he cannot plead innocent. Cast into prison to rot he has all but given up on life when, one stormy night, escape unexpectedly presents itself to him through the help of a mysterious stranger. The break of dawn finds him lost, unable to return home to the family he loves but with nowhere else to go. With the cold unsympathetic arm of the law close behind Walden must take refuge amongst the city's underworld, a place where he will soon learn that for some there are no laws, only actions and consequences."